
Ye olde steakhouse
Ye olde steakhouse

It is well worth the investment, I feel, as it is easy on the wallet and yet it still delivers that taste, one is looking for in a Claret. This area reminds one of a Bordeaux Superior or even some wines from the Medoc. Order your cakes & pies early for your special events. Make room for the chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, peanut butter pie, or a slice of red velvet cake. Locals order whole cakes and pies and then carry them home to enjoy. While the Cotes de Bourg is not as lush and bold as a First Growth, neither is it priced like one. All desserts at Ye Olde Steak House are homemade and most are classic creations. I had a bottle of Chateau Guiraud-Grimard 1975 and it was just a great choice to pair with a steak. The wine was listed under Bordeaux and even the label says Grand Vin de Bordeaux, because that is the type of wine produced from this area. I remember being proud of myself for trying a lesser know area of Bordeaux, the Cotes de Bourg. The American wine revolution was just under way, and in Canada wine was not being produced like it is today as well. When I was there, in my youth I felt that French wine was the only thing to order, of course, to be truthful, that was what was usually carried. The wine list was not large, but at the time very few places had large wine lists, as it was not as popular as it has become today.

ye olde steakhouse

They also had a stellar Black Forest cherry torte for dessert. This was a restaurant to go to for that classic two to three hour dinner, and cocktails were king at the time. The service was excellent, in that very “old school” tradition and it just helped with the feeling of elegance.

ye olde steakhouse

They had a classic shrimp cocktail and a good basic salad that accompanied their steakhouse menu.

ye olde steakhouse

They were known for their prime rib, and it was the first restaurant that I ever went to that wrapped fillets with bacon. Ye Olde Steak House specialized in steaks, of course, and they also had seafood. I always felt that Windsor was more of a suburb of Detroit, then a city of its own, but that may have been because I remember Detroit in its hey-day and Windsor was still quiet and had not blossomed to the city it has now become. Since my Father’s family had grown up in Windsor after moving from Hamilton, Ontario we spent time in Windsor. The old steakhouses in Canada were more genteel and had a charming “old-school” feel to them. I have always felt that Canadian steakhouses have a different feel about them then their American counterparts. As I continue my memories of that far and exotic land of Canada, another fine restaurant was Ye Olde Steak House in Windsor, Ontario.

Ye olde steakhouse